presentation that came out today

The drop today happened pre conference call and it’s raised during the call. 2018 they made 5mil and 2019 they made 7mil. This quarter alone they made 4.5 mil.

They have a plan to deal with corona. They reduced salaries and want workers to keep working. They have great management with experienced people in the 3D printing field. Also in general 3D printing is going up. One time they got an order and completed it in the same day.

They have face masks. They are making products for the ISS and the army. Also they have body sensors I’m not sure what they do. This company literally does everything I don’t know what half of it does. They 3D print stuff so they can make anything. And they sell the printers too.

The important thing is that from Jan 1 to March 31 they made half of what they made in all of 2019.