26 and feeling behind. possible to reach savings goals by 30?
For context, I am 26/F. No family wealth. Will be graduating later this year with my PhD. Currently earning 43k/year this year on residency. before this, my PhD paid me 18k a year for 5 years. Luckily, I do not have a single cent in student loans due to a combination of scholarships, assistantships, and family support with schooling. My starting income potential after residency (which i still have another year to complete, and will be getting a 12k raise for year 2) i think should be around 100k-150k depending on the position.
The issue: Current net worth is exactly 19,790. This includes $13848 in an HYSA, $3,590 in a check account, and 2352 in a roth ira. I don’t have any credit card debt or car payments. I live with my long term partner in a city and we share his vehicle ($190/month with only about $1700) left on the loan.
My goal was to try to get to $100k networth by 30, and i’m really starting to wonder how possible this is considering that I won’t raise my salary significantly enough until i’m about 28 and will only have like 2 years to get to 100k. I feel kinda behind because my friends who didn’t spend 6-7 years getting an advanced degree who are computer science majors or nurses have been earning for much longer and putting away money for retirement. Recently one of my friends told me her salary was 150k and while i’m happy for her it kind of made me envious. A lot of my other grad school friends come from ridiculously rich families and i suspect some have trust funds so they’re probably going to be set.
Do you think it’s still possible to get to 100k networth by 30 (i.e. saving 80k more in the next 3 years)? i plan to max out my 401k and roth whenever i get my first real paying job and try to maintain my current standard of living until i reach that goal. i’m currently putting $500 in a roth every month to build habit and im living below my means.
also i dont want to sound out of touch and ungrateful. i am very grateful for my life and all that i have, just trying to plan for my future.