Monthly expenses in Hyderabad

Hi I am a 22f whose monthly expenses are around 40k. Is this a lot of money? I want to know how much other single people in Hyderabad are spending each month and how they budget their expenses. I live in a shared flat with 2 other girls and my monthly rent is 11k.

Travel expenses (local)-4k (Uber bike to office)

Rented bed+ other furniture -2k

Groceries -5k(I like chocolates)

Traveling out of station -3k (sometimes more if I need to catch a flight)

I pay for a lot of things when going out and I don't like asking for the money back, so that.

Edit: Bills:1k (electricity + phone + wifi)

Help: 900

Every month I have some one time expense This month flight tickets to my cousins wedding, the previous month bought a 7k kindle+25k worth of things for my mom the month before that life insurance annual premium.