What is this?

Overall, the job is not bad and it’s for the most part easy money but the expectations are way too high and unrealistic. We’re expected to be knowledgeable on 100 different brands and items while simultaneously sell, sell, sell. There is never enough staff to run a store efficiently let alone maintain efficacy. Their systems are SEVERELY outdated which is mind blowing considering how much money this company has. I understand the high cost it would take to update all their computers and systems in store but you would think they could correlate better systems with faster checkout times. Instead it takes 10 mins for the transaction screen to show up and then the most recent transaction sometimes doesn’t show. I’m so confused as to what job I have exactly walked into. I truly don’t understand how anyone lasts for so long in this company. OH and then the OVERSTOCK?! The overstock is ridiculous and continuously remains that way because it’s just a constant cycle of put out product and receiving more than what is needed. I’m truly just baffled at how things operate and how anyone can find joy in working in such a mess.