Life as a CAL/OLAC ðŸ˜
Just a vent since I’m feeling sad:
Does anybody else feel really detached from your team as a CAL? I’m starting to feel lonely lol, most of my days I’m sitting at the computer doing paperwork. CAIRs, emailing people back, filling out forms, checking off checklists, working on things for my department like our seminars for my magnet aquatics, etc. I feel bad I take up a lot of computer time but we only have one. Is this most of the CALs job? Should I be doing other things? other than managing my team and taking leader pages of course… since our office phone is right next to the computer I take the most calls during the day to help my team out too.
I feel I’m doing a bit much for them though considering they have way more people than I do and they hardly ever help me out, and when they do it’s the bare necessities. I have one person under me that I can talk to more often since she runs my entire department with me. My aquatics team I hardly ever see due to how busy they are (and how busy I am).
I also feel like truck day is the only day I can talk to people and I’m completely surrounded by my team as I usually have to help out with truck (as long as my department isn’t on fire).
I feel the CAL position is really lonely in general. I don’t mind the independency but it can feel like I’m locked away in a cave for a while and when I go onto the sales floor it’s like I’m a caveman discovering things for the first time sometimes 😅 am I the only one?