Massive porn influx destroys my friends email account.
About 15 years ago, when people still used Hotmail, and their accounts were constantly getting hacked, my friend had his account hacked. He sent out an email to his entire contact list explaining the situation, and to not open anything weird from him. (We’ve all gotten these emails from friends with Hotmail accounts) The issue is that he didn’t BCC everyone so everybody’s emails were there to see.
Then one of his dumbass contacts sent a reply all “introducing himself” and informing everyone that he was adding them to his mailing list. It was a dumb cheeky joke, but many people didn’t take it that way, and a “reply all” shit storm ensued of people telling him they didn’t want to be on his mailing list. The worst part is there were big deal industry contacts in this thread. So my friend looked like a ding dong among his work associates because of this guy.
It pissed me off, so I did a bit of googling, and found a website that had hundreds of mailing lists of various types of porn. All legal, but definitely of a particular taste. Not mainstream by any stretch. I signed this guy up for allof them.
Then I went to bed.
The next day he had a Facebook post explaining that he woke up to an inbox overflowing with crazy weirdass porn. Furthermore, because many of these sites were just harvesting emails to send spam, his gmail account had been frozen by Google for sending so much spam. Or something to that effect. To make matters worse it was his self employed business email.
Admittedly I just wanted to subject this guy to some weird porn, but it went a lot further and screwed up his business for a few days. He deserved it.