Tongue piercings for +10 years

Evening y'all, my apologies for any writing mistakes, since english is not my first language.

I have a question for the people who's had tongue piercings for a long time or maybe is a piercer, because I've been dreaming, and now debating, getting one done for years.

  1. Does wearing a flat type jewelery minimize the damage? What does your jewelery looks like?

  2. What does your cleaning routine look like? Do you clean the jewel every single time you brush your teeth? How many times you brush a day?

  3. When did you get it done and how old are you now?

  4. Did you have any damage in your mouth because of it, even when reducing the size of the bar as soon as possible and getting a flat type jewelery?

  5. Does getting the piercing a bit farther into the mouth reduce the risk of biting on it?

Thanks for any comments answering my question.