Drunk Driver Killer Concept (joke)

Drunk driver:

Speed: 30

Stamina: ♾️

Damage: 150

Ability 1: will summon a Rocket league ball that will heat seek if boasted into and will do 50 damage

Ability 2: Boost will make the Drunk driver move 3x faster

Passive: will make all players vision blurry and all lights will appear brighter including the cars headlights

Info: if the driver crashes they get stunned for 5 seconds and crashing too many times will make the car explode and then the killer will turn into abusive Dad/Husband

Abusive Dad/Husband:

Speed: 25

Stamina: 110

Damage: 20 + Bleeding for amount a certain amount of time + one second per kill, will attack with a half broken beer bottle

Ability 1: Will yell at the top of his lungs to make the survivors move slower + fearful

Ability 2: will attempt to hike hold a player then will bend them over and start beating them in the bum doing 60 damage and launching the player forward

Info: both versions of the monster will not be able to see as well as monsters and there is an input delay of 1 second and the killer will be the killers avatar