Just had my surgery!

I was so nervous about being under during surgery as I’ve never had anesthesia before and I was told most people who are nervous about it tend to cry (some of my coworkers did). Thankfully I didn’t cry after waking up nor did I look at my family like “who are you?” (Another one of my coworkers did that to their partner). Everything else went great and I’m not really in too much pain but DEAR GOD it hurts a bit to use the bathroom!!! I remember reading about it before I scheduled my surgery and just thought maybe it would be different for me! But nope it HURTS!🤣

Otherwise it’s only been one day and I’ve been walking and moving around just fine without the pain meds they prescribed for me, so overall a good experience! Surprised that I wasn’t really nauseous afterwards either, only when I first sat up after waking up but the rest of the time I was fine. I just hope it doesn’t come back as I’ve heard that that’s a possibility. I work in vet med too so we’ve had cyst removals and then months later the patient comes back in with that cyst again. Hopefully that won’t be the case for me! 7 years living with my cyst, almost gave him a name, and it’s finally off! Kind of a bittersweet feeling though since I’ve had it since college.😅