Is there hope for my plants?

Cold house and placed by heater, prob too much stress. Idk what to do, I've moved them into a new room without a draft (tho a bit colder) and indirect light but idk what else to do(I've had the pothos for like 3yrs, and small snake plant for like 4yrs, big snake plant only like 6 months, and cactus/aloe 2 yrs) The pothos has always been kinda leggy but now snapping off I water the aloe/cacti like once a month, and the pothos maybe once a week. I'm don't let it drain and change the water consistently cuz I'm a fool, spider plant I water w pothos. They get a humidifier once in a while, but I feel like that has made them worse currently. They have red/blue lamp at night, 4 hrs in warm months 8hrs in cold, but I just moved them to a room w more indirect light, so I was thinking of moving it down to 4 again? Is there hope for them?