Serious issues with email registration
So basically I got my first PS5 a few days ago and tried to make an account. Initially I wanted to use 1 email but upon realizing I couldn't access that email I used another. I did the email confirmation that Sony sent me to that account so I know they registered it. However, when I turn on my PS5 it defaults me to that email address even though I'm not signed in. So when I try to sign in to the correct account it says "You can't sign in using another player's sign in ID". I'm so so confused. If the username I made is associated with the wrong email (the email I dont have access to) how can I change this? I want to get this issue resolved before I purchase an online membership. Please help.
I tried to contact support but the person who picked up barely spoke English and sent me an automated email instead but it doesn't address my issue.