Puppy update/response
Hi everyone,
Reddit I guess doesn’t let you update posts anymore? So I’m just saying this here. Original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/plushies/s/G8UAC5TbvP
So I took everyone’s advice and posted all across the internet. As for the folks that suggested flyering or even offering to go look for him, because he was seen inside a locked gate, we really believe someone who lived in that building took him inside so he likely won’t be found on the street. We didn’t have a printer so the night it happened my friends immediately made flyers with drawings of him and put those up around, and we’re hoping the building resident who has him sees one.
To say that the attention this post received has been surprising is a profound understatement. I was expecting a handful of upvotes, a couple comments. But what ended up happening— that so many people to the time to leave such kind words— is so, so moving. I so badly want to respond to each comment but I’m just kind of exhausted for a lot of reasons from this last weekend. But I’ve read each comment several times over, and each and every one helped lift my grief a little bit to the point that I now feel more inspired than sad, even though it does still really hurt. Thank you.
I wanted yall to know that your comments reminded me that the way I got puppy in the first place was such a deeply human, oddly specific act of love, and reminded me that I got to experience so many moments like that over my weekend in Chicago with my friends, from my godfather before he passed, throughout my life in general, and finally from a bunch of strangers on Reddit. It made me realize that I have nothing to be ashamed of because my grief over puppy exists because of one of my favorite things human beings do— we create and instill meaning. In even the smallest things, like puppy. In fact, we tend to be best at it the smaller or seemingly frivolous the container for that meaning is. It’s a kind of magic. And I’m grateful to be someone with a reverence for that kind of human magic, and grateful to see that same reverence in so many people on this thread.
In fact, I was so moved it inspired me to start a poem about what all this means to me. It’s a funny little list of small, weird expressions of love I’ve gotten to witness/receive/do. Like my godfather constantly winning me stuff from claw machines lol. (Y’all got a shoutout in it lol). And it won’t just be written by me, I invited my friends to contribute to it whenever they witness something like that. So it’s collaborative and, hopefully, never-ending.
also the idea folks had for a tattoo was great. I do most of my own tattoos and started designing one with the photo of puppy looking at the mountains and a quote from my godfather. I’m gonna hold off on tattooing it until I really feel I’m not getting puppy back, but in the meantime, thanks for that idea ❤️
Also to my fellow folks that struggle with addiction that commented, just know that I see you especially. Thank you for sending strength. IWNDWYT (if you know you know lol).