How would you change Clemont’s Chespin?

Yeah despite it having some pretty funny moments.

Yeah it has the same problem as Brock’s Mudkip has.

Which is that it doesn’t get enough battles or evovle that much.

So I think it would be a great idea to just give it Ash and have it fully evolve into a Chesnaught.

Because beep the pokemon compony and their mindset of not having some of the starter pokemons evolve because their afraid of them losing their marketable cuteness if they did evolve.

Yeah despite it having some pretty funny moments.

Yeah it has the same problem as Brock’s Mudkip has.

Which is that it doesn’t get enough battles or evovle that much.

So I think it would be a great idea to just give it Ash and have it fully evolve into a Chesnaught.

Because beep the pokemon compony and their mindset of not having some of the starter pokemons evolve because their afraid of them losing their marketable cuteness if they did evolve.