[Discussion] Buddy Distances Really Don't Make Sense Now. A four minute raid could give you 600KM+ worth of buddy candy.

People have recommended reducing the buddy distances since the beginning. Now with raids it's essential. Catching a Ttar in a 4 minute raid after walking a larvitar for 120KMs is going to piss people off. Distances need to be at least reduced from 5/3/1 to 3/2/1. The raids have changed the balance of the games. When so many people are catching a top 10 mon everyday the game has fundamentally changed. The buddy distances must change too. There is no need to make you walk 5KM for one candy. I even think 3KM is too much.

Edit- It's needlessly excessive. It doesn't keep the game balanced. Raids changed the game. Other things need to change to compensate.

Edit 2-ITT somebody caught 3 tyranitars in raids today. Almost 2000KM of walking would be required for what he got in just one day.