What's the deal with 1/2 players?
I play at a local game where I live, and these guys literally play the most face-up game you could imagine. 80% of this player pool doesn't find any bluffs, they'll check-call with draws, not bluff when their draws miss, only 3-bet AA and KK (and yesterday a guy only called an open with KK, I 3bet from SB with ATs, and he flat called again), some guys only 3 bet AA. They all try to limp and see flops and they only bet when they have something decent. It's mind-numbing, and when I call out their exact hands, which is easy to do at this point, they think I'm some kind of mind-reader pro. Their bet sizing tells me exactly what they have usually. If I face a donk-bet, it's usually top pair or an overpair (99-QQ) that decided not to reraise pre. If I face a check-raise, it's a set/straight 90+% of the time, occasionally a combo draw.
I'm not complaining obviously because I do have a solid winrate at this game, but my question is: is this how most 1/2 games are? Soft and predictable? And don't these players get bored playing like this?