Porn addiction is so weird.

Think about it—we live in a world where so many people, mostly women, are viewed in a sexualized way, even when it’s completely inappropriate.

I’ll admit, I’ve done the same thing. When I have urges, I seek out pleasure by looking at naked people. But it's so absurd, the idea of getting addicted to it. Yes, we’re animals, but is that really an excuse to objectify people?
Why do we even do it? Everyone has a body, just because we cover it shouldn't mean that while uncovered it becomes an object of attraction. Like what. I know it's deeper than that, but how pathetic it is to live a life of lies and regret just because you can't look at a body and not masturbate.

Sex is great, sure. But the heavily edited images of people with surgically altered bodies and flattering camera angles shouldn’t reduce our brains to a primitive state. I guess that is why we are here, and thinking logically sometimes could help. Start seeing others as humans, not gods just because they have a reproductive system.

It’s wild how messed up we’ve become as a society. We’re at a point where we can’t even contain ourselves when we see a body. Like, seriously, folks—this is weird as hell.