What’s the most financially irresponsible thing you’ve done for fun?

I just spent an exorbitant amount of money on concert tickets. I also will have to fly internationally for this + pay for 3 nights at a hotel.

I am 24, and deeply.. deeply regretting this. At the moment it felt right. It’s my favorite band, I’ve never been to a concert before, and I had a really rough year. And I mean rough. When I saw “non-refundable” I didn’t even blink.

Now. I’m freaking out. Why did I do this?!

It’s not like I have a lot of savings either. I’m as lower middle class as it gets. No family money. Just me. This trip won’t leave me homeless, but it’ll leave me further and further away from my savings goal.

Please tell me it’s normal to make dumb, impulsive choices like this in your 20s. I am a wreck. I’d really like to hear your stories and find some comfort in that I’m not an outlier.