Preeclampsia and baby #2

Hi everyone! I’m mostly just writing this to hear some stories and gain some perspective.

I’m currently 35 years old and I have an almost 16 month old. I had preeclampsia with severe features, as well as postpartum preeclampsia with my daughter. I’ve always dreamed of having two children, but with everything that happened I find myself getting extreme anxiety when I think about getting pregnant again. I do want another child, but it almost leaves me feeling guilty to think about putting myself at risk, when I’m so incredibly happy and feel so lucky to have my daughter. My husband has also expressed that he is worried about me getting pregnant again. I think it traumatized him even more than me, seeing me in that situation.

I know many women go on to have healthy and successful second pregnancies, both with and without preeclampsia. Currently my main focus is being as healthy as I possibly can, trying to lose weight, eat better, exercise, etc. I’m just having such a hard time trying to decide what would be best for our family. I’m in no rush and if we did decide to try for a second it wouldn’t be until closer to next summer.

Any advice or women in a similar situation?