Growth Restricted at 36 Weeks, Baby about 2 Weeks Behind
Could you please add any input regarding your experiences with this?
Baby has measured perfectly healthy and fine until very recently. In my 3rd trimester the baby has had a pretty steep fall off the growth curve. She was 22% at last ultrasound but now appears around 6% for size/weight and about 2 weeks behind in tummy and head size. Organs and fluid and heart and Doppler tests are all normal.
Basically everything is normal except she’s small? I have no knowledge of my own birth size. Husband was normal size at birth.
Of course I spoke with the MFM and she has recommended consuming more protein and water daily. It’s possible they will try to induce around 38 weeks.
If you have experience/knowledge with this, please contribute, whether good or bad. I would truly appreciate it. Definitely teared up in the doctor office today and feeling stressed and anxious about the baby.