When did you feel your baby move?
I’m just shy two days of being 25 weeks along. I have just recently within the last week felt movements. Or what I assume are movements. I told my doctor I couldn’t definitively say wether it’s my baby or not because this is my first pregnancy. My doctor told me if I couldn’t definitively say by 26 weeks we will do an ultrasound to be safe. I don’t know how to describe the movements. It’s almost like a muscle twitch, but inside my belly. An occasional tickle or pressure from inside. I’m not as worried now, because I do feel as though I’m noticing it more. I am wondering though, is 25 weeks normal to start feeling the baby? Was yours sooner? And what do you compare it to? I had my hand on my husbands leg and he twitched a little. That’s the closest I’ve been able to describe it as. It’s not a flutter or anything else anyone says. By all accounts baby is healthy, healthy heart beat. Just curious. 😁