Repetitive nightmares
I don’t know how to stop this. I’m 11w, had my first trimester scan and all looks good, so far feeling fine. But it might be because I know a lot of people who have had losses, but I’ve been very cautious the last weeks and even now. I wouldn’t call myself overly paranoid though. Which is why I don’t understand why for the last few days, I have a nightmare that I miscarried. I wake up feeling relieved obviously but also somewhat traumatized because of how VIVID the dream was (another side effect of my pregnancy has been vivid dreams). It FELT real. Husband says I should try to relax and not worry and the dreams will stop, but I don’t really know what I can do to stop this beyond what I’m doing now, keeping myself distracted and avoiding trigger warning posts or articles/news. Has anyone else had this experience or am I truly crazy?