i don’t know who’s it is

Hello there . i just found out a few days ago that i am pregnant. i didn’t even know it was possible for me because my cycles aren’t average. sometimes i have to wait 30-40 days for my period to come. other times ill skip it. when it does come i usually only bleed for three days. (F25) Im trying to make this as short as possible but with giving every detail.

My ex of 3 years broke up this year due to infidelity on his part. this made me have different emotions for months. by month 5 after breaking up i decided it was time to move on.

I slept with a guy from my past with a condom. we looked at it afterwards and it seemed just fine. no tears no rips. and it was the thick feeling one.

immediately after i got home i felt a lot of shame, i felt as if i was the same as my ex. i felt as though i cheated on him as well.

i called my ex (M24) for comfort and told on myself. he helped me feel better. and eventually came over to my place. where we had sex a lot of times unprotected.

this is my very first pregnancy. i have looked at a few conception calculators online and they’re all so confusing. i don’t understand how can i be 5 weeks pregnant already.

the timeline is: my first last period is august 22. 1st guy encounter was the 29th of august. then #2 ( my ex )was september 4th & 5th.

I need advice please. i’m currently contemplating on even keeping it.