Nose bleeding

So I want to start this off with a few things, one I’ve broken my nose 8times in my life and have never had a real bloody nose like it doesn’t run or drip, two I’m a mouth breather and it’s winter here. I’m going in for my gestational diabetes test on Monday but I’ve seen that bloody noses are a huge concern for GD, like I said above in winter due to mouth breathing and my house being dry (we are getting a humidifier before baby comes) my nose and mouth have bled many times before pregnancy, and I’ve never had like actually blood drip out of my nose when this happens but this morning I felt really wet and blew my nose and a bunch I mean like a whole tissue of blood came out, again no dripping after, and my mouth feels like their blood in it also, I’ve never had it this bad and it’s been kinda worse then normal the last 3months due you think it could be a sign of GD? I’m honestly scared I’m going to test positive and have my whole birth plan be ripped out from under me