Baby shower etiquette at a brewery
My friend wants to throw me a baby shower at a brewery. My husband and I are totally game for this, it’s a nice space and this type of setting is very much our/our friends and families’ vibe. We are inviting about 50 people. We plan on providing lunch and NA beverages like pop, water, lemonade, etc. Is it tacky if our guests are expected to purchase their own drinks from the brewery if they want beer? The fee for the event is $200 which my friend said she will be paying. My husband and I would be open to putting some money towards the bar tab, but if we paid for each person to have one drink, it’d be around $350, which is a bit more than we feel comfortable paying, and I definitely do not expect my friend to pay it either. If you were invited to an event like this, would you be put off by having to buy your own drinks? Thanks in advance!