Pregnant again- Rainbow baby?

My first pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage (blighted ovum) with no symptoms. Doctors did not give me a real reason as to why I miscarried except that my thyroid was slightly off. Since then they put me on Levothyroxine and 2weeks ago I had some follow up bloodwork and they confirmed my thyroid was now at a normal level. On Saturday, I took a pregnancy test and a came back positive. Can’t help but feel anxious about miscarrying again. I scheduled my first appt with the doctor and the earliest they can see me is February 6th which I will be around 9weeks (around the same time I miscarried). I asked if they recommended bloodwork prior to my appt to make sure everything is well but they said no. Should I push for bloodwork? Maybe I’m overthinking and I’m so scared of miscarrying again. I just want to do things right. Any advice??