I want an elective C-Section but I‘m uncomfortable admitting it, because there seems to be so much judgement around that

The reasons why I decided to go for an elective c-section are on one hand because pregnancy has been brutal and I‘ve had every single common and uncommon symptom one can imagine, feeling like dying and out of control on a daily basis - so I‘m scared of keeping the streak for the birth and ending up in labour for days + I‘d like to have control over at least something in my pregnancy. Second, from what I researched, it seems like c-sections in general come with less risks if they are planned than vaginal births, which sometimes also result in emergency c-sections.

I‘m not sure if my reasoning makes sense or not. But I don‘t think I can mentally and physically go through the pain and trauma of a vaginal birth. I am already at the end of my powers and only 14 weeks along. It seems like elective c-sections are looked down on and judged - why?

What are your thoughts on this? I‘d also like to hear from moms that chose to have a c-sec and how theor experience was.