Why do people speak negatively about induction?

The idea of waiting around for spontaneous labor, the idea of being turned away from the hospital, the idea of the stress of getting your iv/advocating for an epidural (I have tiny, deep veins and I WANT that pain relief!!!) all while experiencing contractions makes me SO ANXIOUS.

On the other hand, the idea of being inducted electively and having time for the IV and for pain management advocacy makes me feel so much more calm about the whole thing. More in control? But I see a lot of people fearing induction. I've ready that induction contractions can be horrrrrribe, but if you do get an effective epidural, does it really matter?

Or am I missing a piece of this puzzle?

EDIT: Thank you all for the info! Also I didn't mean to upset anyone... sometimes a question really is a question! It's good to ask a large community because there's a lot of info out there. I really am asking WHY. Not making a statement about the morality of inductions or the morality of medical intervention...