What does this mean?

This morning has been a roller coaster. I am currently 4 weeks 3 days. I have been getting very faint lines on pregnancy tests since 9DPO. I tested just last night at 13DPO with a digital FRER and it came back positive. This morning at 14DPO I peed on a regular first response and a cheap Amazon stick and they both came back negative to my sad surprise. I thought I was for sure miscarrying. 3 hours later I decided to test again with two of the cheap stick tests. The first one came back negative. I tested the second with with watered down diluted urine and it came back with the boldest line I’ve received yet! I have no clue what to think. I suffered a miscarriage at 8 weeks in August so I have been extra anxious this entire pregnancy. Has anyone experienced anything like this that can offer any insight??