Rate My EC's Please??

Entering 3rd year in the fall. Planning on applying to some "EC Heavy" schools like Queens and UofC (OOP From Ontario). 3.89 cGPA. Taking MCAT in August.

I know the way you describe or talk about your EC's also matters a lot but I'm just tryna get a general sense of where I'm at in terms of breadth and depth of experiences. Thanks in advance.

- Hospital Volunteer - 1.5 years (~300 Hours) (Ongoing)

- Community Safety Employee on Campus - 1 year (~350 Hours) (Ongoing -- Recently promoted to a higher position)

- Volunteer at Local Religious Centre - included various roles and positions - 5 years (~1000 Hours) (Ongoing)

- Research Competition Participant - 4 Months - (~50 Hours)

- Student Ambassador - 1 year - (~50 Hours) (Received Letter of Achievement for Work) (Ongoing)

- Course Representative - Liaison between prof and students for a class of over 1000. Created weekly presentations for the class. - 4 Months - (~50 Hours)

My main concern is that this is basically all I have to list for EC's. Any advice on my current situation and what next steps to take would be greatly appreciated.