Prey could greatly benefit from raytracing/pathtracing technologies
First, there is no intention of me saying that the game should require this or that. We know that good cards with raytracing are expensive and the technology is still on its infancy, all things considered. I don't intend to say how you should perceive your game or why you should need to care about raytracing being considered. It's just a random thought of mine of something that is very unlikely to happen (RIP Arkane Austin) but would be very cool to see, in my humble opinion.
That being said...
Oh boy, I think Prey should greatly benefit of having modern technologies like the new Indy (Indiana Jones) game have. I think its graphics are the perfect fit for that, kinda photorrealistic but a bit comic book style, like DX:MD also is and would equally benefit. Not big open world games, but small dense hubs, with lots of details, should benefit the most without tanking the performance.
This would make true reflections and better shadows, and would make the game levels and architecture just shine as a crazy diamond. The games materials and textures are already awesome, I already used the lighting mod and reshade is that is also amazing, but I would be dying just to see the game graphics reaching its full potential.
If someone at Microsoft/Bethesda/whatever would remaster this game one day, please consider this. I don't know if modern CryTek's CryEngine can handle that stuff and hardly the game will be ported to idTech. But one can only imagine.
Oh, and for the love of god, fix the loading times 🤣