Suggest me Sentient Spaceship books
Help! I want to read something with sentient spaceship as one of the main characters but nothing I've read has hit right. I like ones with a human pilot who fights with the ship. The ship isn't evil. I prefer female protagonists. Not YA.
What I have read:
- Skyward series
- Liked: The ship was the best character. He had goofy quirks. Lovecraftian theme. The planet setting and background lore was interesting. Fun starfight scenes.
- Honor Among Thieves:
- Liked: The ships as aliens with their own culture was neat. They're like reapers but aren't out to destroy the galaxy. Other interesting aliens. The action scenes.
- Dark Horse
- Not a single thing stuck to my memory about this book except something about singing.
- Ancillary Justice
- I didn't like this book. The writing style did not gel with me. If I had to read about a vague gesture one more time I was going to throw the book. I was bored or confused the whole time.