Higher abv or go dry?

Hey folks, I've got a 5 gallon berry sugar wine that's almost finished fermenting, if I've done the math right, it should finish at roughly 12.5%, potentially could reach over 13% if it goes to 0.990 on the hydrometer. I don't want to use any sulphites or anything to stop fermentation (trying to do a natural brew kinda thing) but i think the wine would benefit from a little sweetness. I used K1-116 yeast so it has an alcohol tolerance of 18% so i was wondering what folks thoughts are, should i; A) keep step feeding the wine until the yeast taps out (meaning push it to or past the alcohol tolerance so adding more sugar won't matter) then backsweeten to desired sweetness. B) Pasteurise when it finishes, then sweeten. Or C) simply let it go dry, and just enjoy it as is?

I know another option is backsweeten with a non-fermentable sugar but not sure what result that would give flavour wise. I've seen lactose being sold for sweetening beer and wine but only seem to see people mention using it for milk stout, no one mentioning using it in wine.