Yajuj and Majuj are humans not Giants/Dwarfs according to one scholar
Yajuj and Majuj might be familiar to some of you, as they are from the ‘Lord of the Rings’ moives. They are depicted as monsters, however this is not true by one scholar:
Ibn Kathir says:
يأجوج ومأجوج ناس من الناس، يشبهون الناس كأبناء جنسهم من الأتراك المخرومة عيونهم، الزلف أنوفهم، الصهب شعورهم، على أشكالهم وألوانهم
ومن زعم أن منهم الطويل الذي كالنخلة السحوق أو أطول، ومنهم القصير الذي هو كالشيء الحقير، ومنهم من له أذنان يتغطى بإحداهما، ويتوطى بالأخرى؛ فقد تكلف ما لا علم له به، وقال ما لا دليل عليه
“Yajuj and Majuj are human beings and they look like human beings … [] … And if someone claims that some of them are (giants) like tall palm trees or longer, and that some of them are short despicable creatures (dwarfs), and that some of them have ears so that they sleep on one ear (like a mattress) and cover themselves with the other ear (like a blanket) — He has assumed something about which he has no knowledge and has claimed something for which there is no proof.”
[‘Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah’, 1/184].