Idea for how to change Agriculture XP is gained
The current system awards XP whenever you harvest a plant that you had sown. Given the current difficulty of making that happen, growing crops can seem like a catch-22. Worse, it doesn't really make a lot of sense!
A lot of learning how to grow plants happens, well, when they're growing, not just when you harvest. I propose that XP instead be awarded in many small increments when you check (info) on a plant that you had sown after a certain period of time, or perhaps after it advances a stage. No stockpiling XP on a plant, to incentivize checking in regular intervals. This also gives a bit more utility to the "info" option- since that's how you actually gain the XP, except for harvesting. Harvesting ought to still give xp, but roughly equal to checking in on a plant.
What do y'all think? is this a pleasing alternative, or does this sound tedious?