Okay, seriously, is there a way to play ISO files on PS3HEN?
So I have a PS3 Superslim HFW 4.90, with HEN installed. I've been downloading a ton of games form PKGi and PS2ClassicsVault, however a few games I want (3D Dot Game Heroes, Armored Core 4 and 5) are physical only and not available. What's more, apparently Armored Core 4 and 5 cannot be converted into pkg files, and not to mention I can't find a good tutorial to convert ISO to PKG. My searches have found ways to play ISO files off of an external hard drive using a Filemanager like WebMan, Multiman, or Irisman, but all the tutorials I find for them are built around CFW, not HFW.
So is there a way to do it? I wouldn't mind buying them but these games are pretty expensive physical.