If psychology doesn't workout for you, what would be your back up plan?

The other day my professor asked us this question and it was interesting to see what everyone else had put down. I said that if psychology didn't work out for me I would want to go into the criminal justice field and maybe social work. What's funny is that before I changed my major to psychology I first wanted to be in veterinary which my major was animal science and a minor in biology but sure enough that was a no go since biology was just not for me.

There was a variety of answers across the board, one guy said he would be a DJ. My professor laughed but he said well in all seriousness that would be good for a side job but you gotta pick something that would hold you up and set for life. He said no matter what the major or job sometimes you gotta have a plan b cause sometimes you have a change of heart or somethings don't work out and that's okay but just make sure you have something else to fall back on.

I found that interesting since I never thought about what if this doesn't work out and more so that I just know when I get in my late 40s I want to be a psychology professor or something of that sort.

What would be your back up plan?

Or if psychology wasn't your major what would you have gone for instead?

I'm curious to know and want to have a little fun with this question because I never thought to ask this with other classmates.

Thanks in advance!