Had a customer actually lie to my manager to try and get me in trouble.
Like seriously.
So i was in traditional and had just started cleaning a slicer when I heard a customer pretty much yell to get my attention. Their had been no line, their was no noise, she wasn't waiting because she had literally just shown up. She was just going out of her way to be rude.
I'd apologized for not seeing her and asked what she'd like. She didn't know, because she'd just shown up and had started raising her voice the moment she reached the counter. I'd helped her with choosing which cheese she wanted and she had a sample of both cream and dill Havardi. This is important.
For the cream Havardi she was angry that the sample i gave her was "too thick" (slicer was set to 2.5) and that i hadn't handed it to her on a plastic sheet. The dill Havardi was set to 1. She explicitly told me she wanted the cream havardi sliced like I had sliced the dill sample for her order.
So i sliced it to order. I had already layered the slices with the plastic sheets and then wrapped that stack in plastic sheets before I brought it to the scale. At first she had gotten mad and said the cheese was "too thin" when I told her it was the exact same as the dill sample she then said it was actually "too thick". Keep in mind, the slices were wrapped up and their was no way she saw the actual thickness. When I started unwrapping it to show her they were the same thickness she told me it was fine and to just package it. Then after that she went back to complaining about how they were too thick. When I again went to show her they were the same she told me to stop because "it shouldn't take this long to get cheese" and told me to get the manager, but she said the managers name. The longest part of this whole interaction was her choosing the cheese, and this whole interaction took maybe six or seven minutes at most.
Of course, she was very nice to the manager the moment she showed up. She had the manager re slice the cheese and apparently told this manager that i had gotten angry at her after she originally said she'd wanted a plastic sheet with the cream havardi sample and that I'd... put the dill havardi sample on a plastic sheet and tossed it onto the counter and waited for her to pick it up instead of handing it to her. And was rude to her the entire interaction. This is what the manager told me and this never happened.
Thankfully the manager was already skeptical about what she was saying because apparently this woman has done this multiple times. So the only thing she really got onto me about was not handing her the cheese on a plastic sheet. Then when I told my coworkers what happened the other one working traditional, whose Basically a manager without being a manager, got really angry on my behalf and went straight to our manager to tell her what happened. Then another coworker who this woman apparently did ths same thing to more then once also went to my manager about it.
So an old lady lied to my manager to try and get me in trouble today. For no apparent reason.
I hate customer service jobs.