What's less mentally damaging at 13 weeks--Having a house sitter but they have to stay in their kennel most of the day, or boarding with a trainer?

I have a work trip for 4 days when the girls are 13 weeks old.

Despite knowing about this for months, my boyfriend decided it is the best time for him to go on a ski trip the same weekend. Thus, I either have to board the girls, or find a housesitter. Both of which are difficult. I've worked through my options and here's the best two I've got:

Option A. I found some who has some experience with the breed, who can come in to let them out, and check on them a few times a day. I was truly looking for a house sitter, not someone to do this. She first asked if they could come to her home--She has two high drive breeds, and while it might be fine, one bad experience in those dogs home, could be all it takes to ruin these puppies entire lives and everything i've worked for.

I said no please, and she told me she can come check on them but it doesn't sound like she's willing to straight up stay here/house sit. Pros: They get to stay in their own home environment which is low viral risk, and familiar, Cons: I think it will be a long, lonely 4 days for them.

Option B. I drive several hours, and leave them with a trainer I know and trust who breeds the same breed, and who's training methods I trust, for boarding. They will be exposed to other dogs in a controlled environment, and worked with by someone I've interacted with many times. Cons: Me driving 10 hours round trip (unexpected bonus--I can get a non stop flight to the location of my work trip, out of the airport close to her. Which I cant do from my home airport)

Of the two options, which seems less damaging to them mentally? Am I just overthinking it? They're my whole world and I've worked so hard on their enviromentals, I don't want anything to ruin this.