My Dad brought home a puppy - Help!

UPDATE 7/16/2017: We've handled most of the stuff I was confused about but the main problem now seems to be potty training and stopping her from biting our ankles/clothing.

Potty Training:

As of right now she doesn't seem to do her business when we bring her out to walk. She likes to plop down onto the grass, bite it and fool around. Only when we brought her to our parking garage out back with only concrete was she sniffing and walking around.

But even then she never did any business. Once we brought her back in, she ended up pooping inside. :-(

How am I to fix this problem? I believe it is mainly due to letting her roam around the house too freely. Giving her the idea that she can just poop wherever she wants.


We're thinking about getting a crate and training her with it. Get her comfortable with the crate first, then leave her in there and take her out every 2-3 hours to pee/poop outside. Then go back to putting her back in the crate. Rince and repeat this for a few days so that she understands that she needs to do her business outside. Is this okay or am I to let her out of the crate during the day and only put her in for the night?


She's a baby so I understand that she is teething but when she's playing around she really like to bite our ankles and legs. She has even drew blood from me twice today. I've tried saying no and yelping but she just continues to try and bite me.

How do I handle this behavior? I got a kong toy that she likes but she still likes to bite us and random items around the house.


Photos of the new Rottweiler family member!

She looks to be about 1-2 months old? We're not sure yet. Will be finding out tomorrow since it's 2AM right now.

So my dad has wanted a dog for a long time and so have I but we never really discussed it. He's out of the house most of the time due to work but tonight he decided to bring home a puppy to surprise my sister and I. With no warning or anything so obviously we're unprepared.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed right now on what I should do moving forward. I do plan on keeping her and taking care of her properly. He didn't bring her home in a crate or with proper food kibble, just treats so we're planning on heading out tomorrow to pick stuff up.

Would like some advice on what we should be doing for at least the next month or so in taking care of her. I was planning on just letting her get comfortable to the house for the first week. And then perhaps focus on training her for basic commands after the first 1-2 weeks?

Walks: She was whimpering earlier tonight so we tried taking her outside but she just ended up sitting down and didn't seem to want to walk or wander. Ended up just bringing her back in and she ended up falling asleep. Any advice? I've read that getting pee pads is not good but she hasn't peed/pooped yet for the night. I'm expecting to wake up with pee everywhere but that's expected.

Sleep: Right now she is fast asleep on a blanket next to my bed. She woke up about 15 minutes ago and started whining. She tried climbing up onto my bed but I ignored it and she stopped. I gave her a few pets, she calm downed and went back to sleep. Now should I get a crate for her or is just having a lot of blankets fine?

Food: Any recommendations on what type of food to get her? Puppy kibble? Or Adult food? Any specific brand recommendations? Will be going out to Walmart/Petco tomorrow to grab food.

And what type of schedule should there should be for giving her food and water?

Morning, Lunch and Dinner? Take away water 2 hours before sleep time?

Time Alone: I will be able to be home most of the time but there are days during the week where we have to leave her home alone for a few hours. Is it best to get a crate and pee pad for these situations or just leave her in a room with a peepad and toys? I know it's not ideal but it's impossible to have someone at the house 24/7.

Potty Training: Right now we're not certain if she has all her shots. I looked it up and it seems it's best if I take her to a vet tomorrow first thing and make sure she is covered. I read that puppies can catch Parvo without their proper shots.

So for tomorrow morning I'm planning on just cleaning up after her around the house until we take her to the vet and get the okay signal that we can walk her outside.

What kind of schedule would I be looking at for a 2 month year old Rott in regards of taking her for walks?


She's also is biting A LOT. Hasn't really bit me but she's just biting whatever she can. I imagine it's because she's teething right now. Planning on getting her a few toys tomorrow to cover that.


First time dog owner here so I apologize for the stupid questions. Is there any payment or any information I should know before I bring her to a vet? Never been to one so I'm unsure. Will I have to pay anything when I bring her there to check if she has all her shots? Just want to be prepared before I go.

Overall though she's actually well behaved for the few hours I've had her so far. She's hyper but hasn't barked yet and is already sleeping well. She also follows me around the house even though she's only been in it for a few hours.

Any advice on these and what I should be doing moving forward is very much appreciated!