Few Questions about Breaking Into Quant (Canada)

I’m a senior Canadian university student doing a dual undergrad degree in math and business. My concentrations are statistics and finance. I’ve tried 3 internships in business dev, marketing, and management consulting but didn’t really enjoy it. I have an upcoming fall internship as a statistician with a government org. Recently, I have been looking at job opportunities for FT 2023 and came across job positions such as Quantitative Analyst, Model Validation, or Quant Traders that seemed interesting to me and that kind of sparked some questions.

  1. Most of these job postings (especially at banks) say you’re required to have a post-grad but how true is that? I have seen some of my peers get quant jobs during their undergrad but that may also be because the bar is lower? Is post grad something i should be thinking of regardless?

  2. Some posts state they require “intermediate” programming skills. What qualifies as intermediate?

  3. If I were to try for quant, should I be filling my last years worth of courses with stats based courses? Should I also take a securities trading class for the business side of things as well?

  4. Are there any other way to be competitive in the recruitment process? I haven’t gone into any recruitment for technical roles but i know projects are a big thing. Anywhere I can look for inspiration?
