What happened to radio?

I feel like a lot of younger kids are never going to understand Radio was awesome in like the '70s and '80s. I'm trying not to sound like an old man but I keep trying to listen to radio stations and they just suck. Not even because the music is bad. I like a lot of newer music is that they play the same damn hundred songs for like 6 months and then we get a new song and it's literally like 20,000 times a day. Whatever happened artist sending in Crazy mixtapes and some new bands you never heard of. I mean there's billions of songs at this point probably. Why do I have to listen to 150 of them over and over again. Is this just a money thing? Like can radio stations only pay for a certain amount of content or streaming Just totally destroyed the whole entire industry. Maybe I'm just in a bad state but most Kentucky radio stations aren't very good. I even looked up what they play. A lot of them have list and it's sad that Rock channels play AC/DC like 20% of the time Pearl jam and rolling Stones. Not even their good stuff. I mean I have no problem with any of these bands but they had so much better stuff out there. It's like all they have like the top 20 songs of every one of these bands and they just constantly play it. At this point radio's just going to be dead in like 20 years people will be telling their kids. It was like streaming but without the internet and their kids are going to tell them to go back to the nursing home and shut up and quit talking crazy