Anybody else's parent constantly talk shit about everybody?
Hi all. Been a lurker for a bit, comment occasionally. I wanna say first that I've never felt so seen by everything I've seen talked about here.
Now onto the post!
I've always noticed that my uBPD mom always talks about people behind their back. When I was younger, I used to mention things she said to me to the person and she'd snap at me and punish me when we alone for it, so I quickly learned to keep my mouth shut.
Since picking up on her pattern of behaviour and how ridiculous it is sometimes, I've noticed this more and more.
It doesn't matter WHO it is, as soon as they leave/hang up/whatever, she will IMMEDIATELY start bitching and complaining about them. It could be the smallest thing like what they were wearing to something HUGE like someone being abusive.
And I'm expected to agree with her wholeheartedly and say NOTHING to anybody.
I could 100% RUIN my entire extended family with the things I know.
It's driving me insane keeping all this stuff to myself all the time and resisting the urge to snap at her because I know it'll end badly for me. (I'm currently living with her due to some financial issues, but will hopefully be out by August)
I was just wondering if any of y'all have experienced the same thing, or if this is something exclusive to my mother.
Kitty picture attached as requested! (It's not my own cat, I'm not allowed to have one, but that's a story for another post)