Do you agree with parents making their adult children help pay bills?

After I graduated I helped my parents pay some of the house bills. My mom did not want me to save money. She said that she did but her actions proved otherwise. After I made more money she made me pay even more of her bills. She also let her husband abuse me and then kick me out (even though I helped them with their bills when I lived there)

They told me they made me help them pay their bills so that they can teach me responsibility but I thought it was a lie because after I started to save money my mom realized it and then increased how much she wanted me to pay her and then I was not able to save anymore.

No, my parents were not poor. And no my parents did not do that thing that some parents do where they save the money that their kids give them and then give it back when they move out. My parents did not do that at all.

I just don't understand how a parent can ask "Why haven't you moved out yet?" While their adult children are helping them with bills. How are they suppose to save up to move out properly if a good chunk of their money is going to their parents?