I'm so tired of living here
Every day there's another shooting, stabbing, massacre, ect. It's been 3 days into 2025 and it won't stop. Every day the government hatches a new plan to fuck us. I'm so tired of it. I'm tired of being in the U.S. Everywhere feels like a danger. You can't even celebrate the new years outside without fear. Not even the fourth of July at the beach cause there's a shooting each time at the one near me. I wish I could be in Britain or Europe or some shit. I could get medical help or give birth without selling my soul for it. This is a laughing stock country. I just want peace and tranquility. The grass is always greener but this is getting ridiculous. Every day we're groomed into being more accustomed to bullshit being forced on us. I'm sick of it.
Edit: it says 26 comments but I can only see like 4 for some reason so