I fucking hate the American healthcare system

My mother died when I was 10. She started having heart pain but couldn't afford an ambulance. She died of that heart attack.

When I was in 6th grade I started having serious health pain. I almost had a heart attack.

On Christmas day, last month I started having serious heart pain. So fearful of dying on Christmas of all fucking days I went to the er.


That's what I owe.

That's half of what I make in a year practically. I don't even have half of that in my savings.

I have doctor's visits to pay for, medications, rent, bills.

And now Im going to have to go heavily into to debt all because I was afraid to die.

You know a system is FUCKED when I'm wishing that I had either ACTUALLY DIED. Or that I should've stayed home and just rode it out.

Fuck the system. I'm going to go cry into my pillow.