2019 Oct 14 Stickied helpdesk thread - Do you have πš€πš„π™΄πš‚πšƒπ™Έπ™Ύπ™½πš‚? Do you need 𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑷? Do you want π•€π”»π”Όπ”Έπ•Š? Do you know the muffin man?

Link to last week's thread

Did your subscription to Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo expire and you can't afford the cost to renew? Let the r/raspberry_pi community members search for answers for you!† Looking for help with a project? Have a question that you need answered? Was it not answered last week? Did not get a satisfying answer? A question that you haven't done any research for? Maybe something you think everyone but you knows? Ask it here!

Are you a regular of /r/raspberry_pi? Please help other people ⬑see this⬏ helpdesk and idea thread so that the front page won't be filled with questions like these:

  1. Q: Does anyone have any ideas for what I can do with my Pi?
    A: Sure, look right here!
  2. Q: My Pi won't boot, how do I fix it?
    A: Step by step guide for boot problems
  3. Q: The screen is just blank, what do I do?
    A: Follow these steps
  4. Q: The red and green LEDs are on/off/blinking but it doesn't work, can someone help me?
    A: Start here
  5. Q: Which model of Raspberry Pi should I get?
    A: Get the Raspberry Pi 4B with 4GB of RAM
  6. Q: Can I use SD card from another Pi in my Pi 4?
    A: Only if the SD card already has Raspbian Buster
  7. Q: I found an old guide that tells me exactly how to do something, should I follow it?
    A: Yes, follow it. If you get stuck then come back and describe the exact step you are stuck on.
  8. Q: When will the revised Pi 4 that fixes the power problem be released?
    A: Only the Raspberry Pi foundation knows that
  9. Q: Can I use a Raspberry Pi as a Minecraft Server?
    A: Yes, but it will perform terribly, even on a Pi 4.
  10. Q: Would a Raspberry Pi make a good NAS? What about the 4?
    A: No models of the Raspberry Pi will perform well as a NAS.
  11. Q: I want to watch Netflix/Hulu/Amazon/Vudu/Disney+ on a Pi but the tutorial I followed didn't work, does someone have a working tutorial?
    A: Use a Fire Stick/AppleTV/Roku. Pi tutorials used tricks that no longer work or are fake click bait.
  12. Q: I want to know how to do a thing, not have a blog/tutorial/video/teacher/book explain how to do a thing. Can someone explain to me how to do that thing?
    A: Uh... What?
  13. Q: Is it possible to use a Raspberry Pi to do multiple things?
    A: YES. The Pi is capable of multitasking and can run more than one program and service at the same time.
  14. Q: How do I protect Pi from power loss? What do I use for powerbank/battery?
    A: Most recent UPS/Battery/Powerbank discussion is here and here.
  15. Q: I only have one outlet and I need to plug in several devices, what do I do?
    A: They make things called power strips.
  16. Q: I tried to search but didn't find any answers, can someone Google it for me?
    A: Replace "raspberry pi" in your search with "linux"

Before posting your question think about if it's really about the Raspberry Pi or not. If you were using a Raspberry Pi to display recipes, do you really think r/raspberry_pi is the place to ask for cooking help? There may be better places to ask your question, such as /r/AskProgramming, /r/learnpython, /r/AskElectronics, or /r/linuxquestions. Asking in a forum more specific to your question will likely get better answers!

† See the /r/raspberry_pi rules. While /r/raspberry_pi should not be considered your personal search engine, some exceptions will be made in this help thread.