ADHD meds
I can’t focus more than 3 seconds in class because it’s too boring. But I have a difficult semester coming up very soon where I actually need to pay attention in class to have a chance at passing the exams. I really don’t want to take medication, but I think there is no other option for me. Vitamins or supplements never had a strong enough effect for me (but then again I feel like I also really suck at feeling the effects unless they are really strong).
As far as I can see, I have two options: 1. forcing myself to try and pay attention for hours and hours on end for several months and risk still failing, or 2. try to get a prescription for meds, despite their dangers and harm and hope they work well enough.
Did RP speak positively of any ADHD meds? I just found this on the forum “ "In the April 1994 Townsend Letter for Doctors, Dr. Ray Peat discusses insomnia and hyperactivity among hypothyroid people. He says that the use of stimulants such as Ritalin (methylphenidate), ephedra and ma huang to calm down hyperactive children can be explained as follows. “The frontal lobes of the brain, the most highly evolved part, give us the ability to plan and to understand complex things that require prolonged attention. Without this higher part of the brain, which has a very high energy requirement, people and animals become hyperactive and unable to concentrate”
Should I try to get ritalin? Or herbal supplements instead? Try without supplementation? Drop out of school? lol
What would you do in my situation?