RC Racing venues in Shanghai China.

I know that this will be of little to no interest to 99.9% of the people on this sub, but when I went looking for this information there was nothing at all to be found in English online, so I want to collate what I have here so perhaps it may show up if other interested people go searching in the future.

If you are interested in RC Car racing, Shanghai is actually a good city for it. If you know where to look, especially at 1:10 scale. I am sure that there are other tracks out there, but these are the ones I have found so far and had chance to have a go on.

1: DRS Racing track.

DRS circuit is where I go most often . It’s an off-road Astroturf track on a rooftop with lots of jumps, so a bit open to the elements, but the owner is super nice and speaks English well and knows his stuff. He is very happy to help fix stuff and has a small shop on site.

Address: 上海市闵行区颛桥镇沪闵公路3888号,汉生科技产业园5号楼楼顶,DRS赛车场

2: RCI track Right next door to DRS is another indoor track RCI. It seems to be set up best for 1:10 road cars. There is a well equipped pit room and they have a small shop. I’ve visited to look, but haven’t driven there yet, the owner speaks english. The entrance is a little hard to find but the building is easy to spot.


Guanghua Road No.68, Minhang Shanghai China

3: RTW This one is way out in the outskirts of the city, but is worth a visit. A great sized indoor carpet track with a small drift track next to it. A massive and well stocked shop on site with pretty much anything you need to buy. No english speaking staff, but they are very helpful nonetheless. Its a bit hard to get to, way out in an industrial estate, so no shops nearby. Bring your own lunch.


RTW模型 上海市闵行区元科路155号9号楼

4: Shanghai International Model Auto Racing Arena (SIMARA) This place Is a massive outdoor RC racing complex. May even be one of the biggest in the world. Sadly, I cannot find any up to date information about it at all in English. Seems like it was opened up a few years ago to much fanfare and has somewhat been abandoned since then. Located in the Youth Activity Centre of Baoshan District. Supposedly its open to the public at weekends, but when I tried to visit i was rudely told to go away by the guard and to date I have still not found any way to contact them and get more info about using the tracks. May still be running, but I think it is only open to official school clubs now.

These are all the tracks I am aware of so far. Please feel free to let me know if you know of any other places. Or contact me if you want any more info about RC racing in Shanghai or want to join our WC group for expat RC fans.

As I said, I struggled to find much info online in English myself, so hopefully this post may prove useful to others in the future.

Keep on bashing.