Do you guys really spend hours treasure hunting and exploring? And not reading up on missions beforehand?

Basically the title.

The game is fun and all but it's not like the treasure maps are that good at pointing out locations. You could put me in the location itself and I would not even know where I am or where to look.

I keep like 8-10 Google Chrome tabs open when playing. My standard tabs could be something like

  1. The Fine Joys of Tobacco (reading up mission trivia)
  2. Albino Cougar (random thought?)
  3. Youtube (How to get Braithwaite Manor Turkoman
  4. Volcanic Pistol vs Schofields
  5. Le Tresor des Morts
  6. Reddit: White vs Black Arabian
  7. RDR2 online map

8.RDR Wikia: Missable Items in RDR2

9.RDR Wikia: Random Encounters list (to know what happens and what causes loss/gain of honor, or freebie items)

  1. RDR Wikia: Dutch Van Der Linde (or reading any other character biography)

  2. Nexus Mods

Yes, I have ADHD 🤣🤣. Literally, reading up before I do anything is how I got the Missouri Fox Trotter silver pinto from the Albert Mason questline. Otherwise I'd have missed it entirely.