I (21F) maybe in a situationship (23M)


So, I (22F) met a (24M) on tinder. After the first time we’ve had sex we both enjoyed it and wanted to keep having fun. We’ve made a sex list and shared our kinks. Something he enjoys is kissing, which he’s great at! I enjoy kissing also. Last night we talked about what we were looking for and we both said “eventually a relationship”, I even pointed out that, until you’re done with me or we come to an agreement to not pursue each other further—you’re going to be the only guy I talked to and he said okay.

I’ve been able to orgasm but he has not. He’s admitted to have trouble orgasming in his past and I want to help him. I’m not sure what the best way is for that. I would like to help him achieve satisfaction but not sure how and not sure if we’re a “thing”